A managed marketplace that streamlines your entire solar journey.

Going solar is complicated, riddled with compliance and many moving parts. Hohm is an online software platform and marketplace that connects customers, accredited solar providers, product suppliers and financiers in a few clicks. From there, we manage your entire solar journey from scoping for the solution, installation and ongoing operations and maintenance.

Get Started

We are on a mission to accelerate the adoption of rooftop solar.

Solar is an environmentally important and growing market over the next 30 years. We believe that it can greatly benefit from tech and scalable software innovation, similar to what we have seen in many other sectors in the past decade.

Join our mission.

We have an ambitious goal to scale a global network of energy services. We are always on the lookout for talent that can help us innovate and tackle various problem on our voyage.

If our mission resonates with you, please reach out to us and lets explore how you can join our team.

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